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*** Mulherzinha (quase) feliz!

Hoje eu estou partidária da filosofia do “Copo Meio Cheio” – por isso, fiquei feliz quando vi este email hoje no meu Outlook XD Apesar de saber que será necessária muita fé para ver este livro em Português… (Sendo que o anterior ainda não deu o ar da graça!)


I just wanted to let you know that my new book, The Gentleman’s Quest, should be on the shelves February 1 and is already available in digital format from

Although it can stand alone, The Gentleman’s Quest is a sequel to The Dark Viscount and begins soon afterward. Kit Marchant has retreated into his manor house following those disastrous events, but the arrival of an enigmatic young woman forces him into action – and adventure. Soon the two are in a frantic quest to find an arcane volume of dangerous lore, while avoiding a host of unknown pursuers.

If you’re on my e-mail list, you’ve supported my work in the past, so I hope you’ll buy a new copy of The Gentleman’s Quest and help me to keep writing. 🙂



O resumo e a foto da capa (ATENÇÃO: PODE CAUSAR MOMENTOS EXTREMOS DE EMOÇÃO!) estão no site da Deborah Simmons.


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