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*** Quem quer fazer perguntas pra Patricia Grasso???


Em um momento de jornalista, por causa da pesquisa dos Ladies & Gentlemen Choices, entrei no site da Patricia Grasso e, em outro momento cara de pau, escrevi um e-mail para ela. Disse que tinha lido o livro “Um príncipe irresistível” atendendo a sugestão das leitoras do LdM. E recebi uma amável resposta

“Thank you for writing and letting me know how much the Brazilian ladies like my books. (I wouldn’t mind a vacation in Rio)…. I live in a very multicultural community outside Boston. We have many Brazilians here and lots of Brazilian restaurants. When I was teaching, I had many students who were Brazilian.
What would the Brazilian ladies like to know about me? I live a dull life. If my life was exciting, I wouldn’t have the time to write books. Perhaps you could ask the ladies on the blog what they would like to know and send me the questions.”

E eu respondi:

Well, I’ll organize a “Help me interview Patricia Grasso” and send the questions to you, ok? It will be very interesting because we – the readers group who keep in touch by internet – all have strong opinions about the books, what we like, what we don’t like, why some leading ladies do things we don’t agree. So it is very special know what the author think about it… 🙂

Então, garotas, já que ela se mostrou tão gentil, cumpri minha parte no trato e abri este post para que todo mundo possa mandar uma pergunta (e quem souber Inglês, por favor, quebre meu galho e já manda pronta. As demais eu traduzo.). Aceito sugestões até sábado, dia 08 de maio. Domingo arrumo tudo, acrescento as minhas, deixo os nomes de quem perguntou o quê e mando o e-mail para ela. Assim que receber de volta, publico aqui no site. ;D

Vamos caprichar, meninas e meninos! Pra facilitar deixem as perguntas nos comentários!!!

Pois é, eu disse que não faltariam surpresas nos cinco anos do Literatura de Mulherzinha e, confesso, até eu fiquei surpresa (e muito, muito, muito, muito, muito feliz) com essa chance!!!



3 Comentários

  1. Lidy

    Ótimo!!! Excelente idéia, Beta! E claro, como eu não tenho coragem de mandar um e-mail *sou tímida*, vou usar sua sugestão – e minhas perguntas vão aqui.

    Será que escrevi certo?

    “First of all, I want you to know how I enjoy your books. In fact, after I’ve read “Tempting the Prince” you became one of my favorite writers ever. I also loved the Kazanov Princes – the brothers and their cousins. So, I wanted to ask:
    1. Will all the Kazanov Princes get their own books?

    2. Is Bliss the next Flambeau to fall in love? I can’t wait to see Douglas’ reaction when he finds out who are the Seven Doves. *evil grin*

    3. Will Roxie and Magnus (I have to say I absolutely love this man, since “To Tempt an Angel”) appear in the next books? And Aunt Bedelia? By the way, why did everybody think she had died?
    I know the Flambeaus are his daughters, but had to ask…

    I wanted to ask more, but I feel I have a lot of questions. Just wanted to say Amadeus Black is wonderful, and I find myself smiling like an idiot every time he makes an appearance. The same happens with Princes Stephan, Rudolf and the young Princesses, and Raven and Tulip.

    What else? *thinks for a while*

    I adore the Kazanovs, the Campbells and now, Aunt Bedelia. Reading a book of yours is a great pleasure.

    Thanks forward for your answers and keep up the good work.


  2. Natália Alexandre

    Oie Beta, então…eu não li nada da Grasso, mas eu tenho os livros, rsrs, não poderia deixar de ter né?!
    Seguem 02 perguntinhas básicas.

    1 – The Saga Kazanov is one of the most beloved among the readers of novels. What inspired him to write about Russian princes? The fairy tale Anastacia?

    2 – Why prerogative all romances have happy endings. You believe that love always wins and they all have half your face somewhere?

    Desculpa o inglês "meia boca", rs.


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