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Cap. 67 – Os rapazes Calvani – Lucy Gordon

O conde Francesco não tinha filhos e esperava que os três sobrinhos dessem continuidade ao bom nome da família. O maluquinho Guido seria o herdeiro do título. O meio-irmão mais velho dele, Leo, queria distância da realeza, só preferia cuidar de seus cavalos. Já Marco era o banqueiro da família, que não gostava de demonstrar o que sentia.

O disfarce de um sedutor – Lucy Gordon – Sabrina 1293(The Venetian Playboy’s Bride – 2003 – Silhouette)
personagens: Lady Dulcie Maddox e Guido Calvani

Dulcie tinha uma missão em Veneza: desmascarar um gondoleiro impostor que tinha se apresentado a uma jovem inglesa ingênua como herdeiro de um conde! As evidências colocaram ela, interpretando uma falsa milionária, no caminho de Guido Calvani. E pela primeira vez o playboy aristocrata se rendeu ao amor… mas o que aconteceria quando as máscaras de Colombina e Arlequim caíssem e eles descobrisse quem realmente eram?

Proposta Tentadora – Lucy Gordon – Julia 1257
(The Italian Millionaire’s marriage – 2003 – Silhouette)
personagens: Harriet d’Estino e Marco Calvani

O Homem das Neves precisava se casar. A mãe dele tinha indicado a neta de uma conhecida e ele foi à Inglaterra buscar a apaixonada, inteligente e atrapalhada financeiramente Harriet. No entanto, os planos de um casamento por conveniência vão por água abaixo – Harriet descobre o que há por trás das aparências de Marco e se interessa. Mas as tais diferenças podem pôr tudo a perder

*** Falta a história de Leo – ele se apaixona por uma americana chamada Selena, que conhece num rodeio.

Na Internet:

Aqui tem a lista de livros da Lucy Gordon, sem resumo!

Aqui tem a revisão do filho que completa a série, a história do Leo Calvani…
Review of THE TUSCAN TYCOON’S WIFE by Lucy Gordon
Harlequin Romance #3760, August 2003
Selena Gates just wants to make it to the next rodeo, the next chance for a payday that will keep her, her aging trailer, and her aging barrel pony on the road for another chance. When her friend suggests she marry a millionaire, Selena laughs. A miracle would be easier–millionaires don’t go for women without curves. Selena’s hopes seem shattered when she runs into a car–and meets handsome Leo Calvani–the Italian farmer who just happens to be a super-rich aristocrat. Leo keeps his personal history a secret when he discovers that Selena has strong class prejudices. She distrusts the rich and is absolutely fearful of the titled aristocracy.
The two find the attraction overwhelming and Selena, after a series of rodeo successes made possible by Leo’s secret financing of a new trailer and a new horse, visits him in Italy. She is shocked to discover that he is rich–and hobnobs with the titled of Italy. Still, he is a farmer at heart and she consoles herself with that when he asks her to marry him. But when she learns that he is to be the heir to the Venetian palace and the title of Count, she draws the line.
Author Lucy Gordon tells a Cinderella tale with a twist–this Cinderella doesn’t want a prince. She wants a horse. Failing a horse, a farmer would do. Gordon’s strong writing sustains reader interest despite her limited explanation of exactly what made these two people right for each other. American readers are likely to find Selena unconvincing as a fellow American. Her diction is ever-so-British (no American would ever wear a bathing costume), and her anti-aristocratic reverse snobbery is unknown in the states (we don’t have enough contact with the aristocrats to have any negative feelings about them). Even lacking this, Selena is annoying with her willingness to assume that everyone thinks the worst about her, and to blame others for her problems (she was the one who ran into Leo’s car but she failed to take responsibility for following too closely).
It’s a challenge to combine an independent heroine with a care-giving and wealthy hero. Gordon makes a valiant attempt and THE TUSCAN TYCOON’S WIFE makes for a mostly enjoyable read.
Two Stars
Reviewed 9/02/03

É o site da autora, tem biografia, o lançamento mais recente, mas não achei resumo dos livros anteriores.

Title:THE TUSCAN TYCOON’S WIFEAuthor:Lucy Gordon
Published:August 2003

Living in her car and surviving on money made from rodeos, Selena Gates is down on her luck financially and needs either a miracle or a millionaire. She gets both in Italian tycoon/wannabe cowboy Leo Calvani, who’s in Texas to purchase horses when he and Selena meet and fall in love. But there’s nothing but roadblocks ahead. For one, Leo has led her to believe he’s poor because of her hang-ups about rich men. Just when they seem to be overcoming this obstacle, Leo’s brother throws them a curve, which threatens to destroy their relationship. Lucy Gordon delights readers with THE TUSCAN TYCOON’S WIFE (4).

Aqui tem a lista de livros da Lucy Gordon

Aqui tem a lista das coleções escritas pela Lucy Gordon.



3 Comentários

  1. Bianca

    Olá ,eu estava pesquisando essa série,gostei muito do livro 1,fui em busca dos outros,mas o terceiro nãoo tem,vc sabe dizer se foi lançado aqui no Brasil? Fico grata

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