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Cap. 101 – Reinos de Bahania-El Bahar – Susan Mallery


Histórias de sheiks me confundem. Todos eles parecem saídos da mesma fôrma: são teimosos, arrogantes, petulantes, acham que estão sempre com a razão e que são superiores às mulheres. Quando tem humor, então, os livros ficam melhores. E essa série de Susan Mallery tem todos esses elementos bem misturados.

Casamento ardente – Susan Mallery – Momentos Íntimos 84
(The sheik’s kidnapped bride – 2000 – Silhouette Books, da Harlequin)
personagens: Dora Nelson e Khalil Khan

“Eu sou Khalil Khan, príncipe de El Bahar!” Convicto disso, ele usou de falsos pretextos para se casar com Dora Nelson, que não gostou ao descobrir a verdade. E o casamento, que tinha tudo para dar certo, virou uma disputa entre a determinação de Dora e a arrogância de Khalil… Claro que, por mais que Khalil seja encantador (embora teimoso como uma mula velha), a gente torce para que a inteligência de Dora quebre a crista do príncipe…

Sob o sol do deserto – Susan Mallery – Momentos Íntimos Extra 79 (duplo)
(the sheik’s arranged marriage – 2000 – Silhouette)
personagens: Heidi McKinley e sheik Jamal Khan

“Sou o príncipe Jamal Khan, de El Bahar!” E esse era o problema de Heidi. Pelos laços de amizade entre o avô dela e a realeza de El Bahar, ela não percebeu que todos os cuidados que eles tomaram com ela pretendiam prepará-la para ser uma princesa! No entanto, Heidi estava interessada apenas em cuidar da história do país e não em se apaixonar pelo príncipe. Havia o fantasma da perfeita primeira esposa de Jamal e para tentar chegar à altura dela, Heidi foi capaz de se transformar em Honey Martin, a femme fatale que poderia seduzir o príncipe…

Sob as areias do deserto – Susan Mallery – Momentos Íntimos 106
(The sheik and the runaway Princess – 2001 – Silhouette Books, da Harlequin)
personagens: princesa Sabra e príncipe Kardal Khan

“Eu sou Kardal Khan, príncipe da Cidade dos Ladrões!” Sabrina Johnson (o nome ocidental da princesa Sabra, a filha rejeitada do rei da Bahania) se perdeu no deserto quando procurava a Cidade dos Ladrões. Foi assim que ele acabou refém de Kardal, que a transformou em escrava. Afinal de contas, ele acreditava que Sabrina era a réplica da mãe ocidental: totalmente contrária aos padrões esperados de uma princesa árabe. Mas as aparências enganam e isso vale para os dois, que tinham em comum o péssimo relacionamento com os pais. Como Sabrina sai dessa encrenca, só lendo…
– Se você não tiver vontade de esganar Kardal em determinados momentos do livro, definitivamente, você é uma pessoa mais piedosa ou evoluída que eu…

Tentação no desejo – Susan Mallery – Julia 1230
(The sheik and the virgin princess – 2002 – Silhouette Books, da Harlequin)
personagens: Zara Paxton e Rafe Stryker

Zara Paxton foi para a Bahania para encontrar o pai que ela não conheceu. E descobriu que ela era uma princesa. Filha do verdadeiro amor do rei (o pai que rejeitava Sabrina, que também está nesta história). Por isso, foi colocada sob os cuidados de Rafe Stryker, guarda-costas, amigo e protetor do príncipe da cidade dos ladrões. Não demora muito para surgir um clima tentador entre os dois. Será que vale a pena Rafe correr riscos pela princesa?

*** Reino de El Bahar: Falta a história de Malik

The Sheik’s Secret Bride. – Susan Mallery. New York: Silhouette, 2000.
personagens: Liana Archer e Malik Khan
Single mom Liana Archer has read her share of romance novels featuring dashing, passionate Sheiks. Despite her fascination with the genre, she is astonished when sinfully handsome Malik Khan, Crown Prince of exotic El Bahar, hijacks her and her young daughter off an airliner and into his lavish desert palace. What does this sexy prince want with a passably pretty, slightly overweight schoolteacher from San Bernadino?
Dazed, breathless and mesmerized with desire, Liana quickly becomes Malik’s royal bride after an intimate desert ceremony she does not understand. When she learns she is in fact married, she must face whether she can entrust her daughter, or her heart to a man would give them everything…except his love. How might a caring American mother and child finally move this proud, imperious monarch and make his kingdom complete?

*** Reino da Bahania: Falta as histórias de Cleo (irmã de Zara) e príncipe Sadik e dos três outros príncipes que eu ainda não sei o nome

The Prince & the Pregnant Princess. – Susan Mallery. New York: Silhouette, 2002.
personagens: Cleo Wilson e Príncipe Sadik, da Bahania
She was all kinds of wrong for royalty!!
When it came to kingdoms, impulsive, up-from-the-streets Cleo Wilson was no Cinderella. Why, mere months ago she’d done the unthinkable: fallen for arrogant, irresistible Prince Sadik — and come up pregnant! Now, briefly back in Bahania, she had to bide her burgeoning curves or risk losing her baby-to-be to royalty!
Tall, tempting Sadik promptly seduced Cleo anew…unveiled her secret…and demanded they wed! But could Cleo’s lifelong fantasies of love and family find fulfillment in a palace? After all, wasn’t she the last person on the planet to become a princess–and bring a proud, imperious prince to his senses, let along his knees?

The Sheik & the Princess in Waiting. – Susan Mallery. New York: Silhouette, 2004.
personagens: Emma Kennedy e Príncipe Reyhan da Bahania
Emma Kennedy is working as a nurse in Dallas when two men await her at her apartment one day to inform her that the king of Bahania has requested that she travel to his country. At first she is puzzled, but when she realizes that his son, Prince Reyhan, is behind the reason, she literally faints when she sees him again after six years.
During their college days, the two married in a ceremony in the Caribbean. But had it been a real ceremony? Emma always thought it had been for “pretend”, especially when he abruptly left her soon after their honeymoon. But the marriage is real, and the two are still very much husband and wife. Upon discovering this secret, the king orders Reyhan to spend two weeks with his wife before he is willing to grant a royal annulment so that his son can follow through with his wish to have an arranged marriage.
The two have no choice but get reacquainted with each other…and isn’t the paradise of Bahania the perfect place to fall in love all over again?

The Sheik & the Princess Bride. Susan Mallery. New York: Silhouette, 2004.
personagens: Billie Van Horn e Prince Jefri da Bahania
Lovely blonde Billie Van Horn is a gorgeous, take-no-prisoners flight instructor who has been assigned to train a number of pilots in Bahania, including the ultramasculine Prince Jefri. At first Jefri is miffed at being bested by the beautiful super-pilot, but after he lays his eyes on her, he becomes hopelessly smitten.
The prince invites Billie to stay at his family’s palace during the duration of the flight training, an offer she eager accepts. With her dog Muffin and her brother Doyle, Billie settles into the luxurious suite and enjoys her close proximity to Jefri.
But Billie is crestfallen when Jefri’s future wife, the young and shy Tahira, arrives on the scene. Before meeting Billie, Jefri asked his father to find a suitable wife…and is dismayed when it seems to be too late to cancel his marriage plans. Billie is well aware that when royal honor calls, her high-born lover will have to fly from her side forever…unless he defies his destiny and chooses love.

The Sheik & the Bride Who Said No. Susan Mallery. New York: Silhouette, 2005.
personagens: Daphne Snowden e Príncipe Murat da Bahania
Daphne Snowden is horrified when her young niece Brittany announces her intention to marry Murat, the crown prince of Bahania. Daphne accompanies Brittany on the plane and is successful in convincing the girl that a marriage to a much older man is a bad idea. So while Brittany is on her way back to the United States, Daphne remains in Bahania to explain the turn of events to Murat…the man she was engaged to ten years ago.
Time has changed Murat, and he never quite got over Daphne leaving him at the altar. When she reappears in Bahania, he refuses to allow her to leave and locks her in the palace harem. And before long Daphne discovers that an official royal engagement has been announced in the local newspapers: between her and Murat!
She is furious with Murat, but realizes in her heart that there is unfinished business between them. But is it enough for a marriage?

Atenção – as informações foram retiradas do site Sheikhs and Desert Love. Já falei dele antes aqui no LITERATURA DE MULHERZINHA, é leitura imperdível e obrigatória para as que adoram histórias de sheiks.


1 Comentário

  1. Anônimo

    Esta é a primeira vez que escrevo aqui. Sempre venho, leio e não comento. Na maioria das veses por preguiça. Não gosto de histórias de sheiks,nem lendo as costas do livro eu me animava definitivamente sheiks nao me atraiam, até agora. Preciso urgentemente ler sob o sol do deserto e tentação no desejo.
    agradeco todas as dicas e comentarios
    e gostaria de sugerir
    comenta algum livro em que a mocinha se divide entre dois amores.
    um beijo grande
    Creuza moura

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