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Cap. 124 – A Rebelde – Hannah Howell

Quando houve o anúncio do lançamento deste livro, todas as garotas correram à lista da série Highland… e ele não estava lá. Pela lógica, o próximo a ser lançado seria o livro do Liam (que vai sumir das bancas como água gelada no deserto). Mas tem escoceses, então, a frustração acalmou um pouco…
Se me lembro bem, a Thalita comentou algo sobre esse livro pertencer a uma série. Dei uma pesquisada, mas não encontrei nada. Se alguém tiver informações sobre isso, pode me escrever. Afinal de contas, Thalita – que poderia esclarecer a dúvida – desapareceu da face da terra, com a desculpa da formatura na faculdade. Eu ainda tenho sérias dúvidas. Ela pode ter entrado num desses RPGs da vida e não conseguiu voltar para o mundo real ou simplesmente abandonou tudo e fugiu com o Sigimor, para algum lugar além da nossa imaginação…
Mas vamos ao que interessa:

A rebelde – Hannah Howell – Clássicos Históricos 322
(Reckless – 1993 – Kensington)
personagens: Agata MacFarlane e Alexander MacDubh

Uma peça usada de acordo com a conveniência dos homens. Assim Agata se sentia, sendo forçada pelo tio a se casar com Donald MacCordy. Só que ela nunca subiria ao altar, porque foi seqüestrada, junto com os 3 sobrinhos por Alexander MacDubh, que descobrira o parentesco com as crianças, filhas do irmão mais novo dele. Ao descobrir que ela era sobrinha do homem que assassinara o seu pai e noiva de um inimigo, Alexander decide tirar a virgindade dela, como vingança. Ele só não contava que tudo não saísse do jeito que ele planejou…


– Até o meio, eu estava convicta de que era uma história da Lynne Graham com toques de Michelle Reid. Não dá para ter simpatia por Alexander. Arrogante, todo poderoso, mal humorado, grosseiro… Deus me livre!

– Sim, confesso, tive vontade de arremessar o livro pela janela na hora em que Agata faz uma revelação e Alexander dá a resposta típica dos heróis da Lynne Graham!

– Ainda bem que Agata é a mocinha que luta e a tudo perdoa, porque eu não sei o que faria no lugar dela.

– Jamie é fofo.

– Adoro castigos para heróis pretensiosos e posso garantir que Alexander aprende a dar valor a Agata. Demora, mas aprende.

Perguntei sobre A rebelde fazer parte de uma série no Adoro romances e a Lu me socorreu. O A Rebelde é o terceiro livro de uma trilogia.

Amber Flame
Promise Passion

Observem os comentários de leitoras americanas:

“Amber Flame

The story starts with the battle between the Eldons of England and the MacLagans of Scotland, who have been sworn enemies for centuries. We meet a 10-year-old Storm for the first time, who endears herself to her families’ enemies, and leaves a mark on Tavis MacLagan, her future lover. Seven years later and Tavis stumbles into her by accident and end up saving her from the advances of Sir Hugh, but in return she was taken as a hostage. Of course we know the other reason for this, but that is what makes this book so exciting. As the story progresses, Storm and Tavis find themselves more and more drawn to each other. Storm falls in love with Tavis, and Tavis finds himself struggling to suppress his feelings for her for fear of being burned once again. The main characters are very likable. Storm is funny, quick-witted, passionate and strong. And she certainly doesn’t mince words! Tavis is handsome and sexy and a perfect match for her. You will love every moment of them together, and will laugh at all their fights. The author has done really well to make the readers feel for the characters. This is a very sweet, witty and exciting novel, spiced up more by the sizzling love scenes. The appearance of their family also adds to the fun of the story.
I wish that there would be a sequel, as this book is a real favorite. Don’t miss this one. A wonderful book to add to your collection

Promised Passion
Having reached the age that most considered is ripe for marriage; her father takes Islaen MacRoth to the king’s court hoping to find her a suitable husband. And having lived quite a sheltered life, she isn’t used to life at court and finds herself a prime target for gold diggers and the subject of ridicule by the more sophisticated ladies. But nothing will compare to the battle she faces with the man she finally marries.
Ian MacLagan is a man who carries the physical and emotional scars of his past. Blaming himself for his wife and child’s death, he has sworn to never remarry and has shielded his heart from any woman. So it was to his shock and anger when the king orders him to marry Islaen. With no choice but to obey his liege, Ian resolves not to share her bed for fear of bringing harm to her. Yet it was a promise that will never be fulfilled for Islaen proves more irresistible than he ever expected.
PROMISED PASSION is the sequel to AMBER FLAME featuring Tavis and Storm, which to this day remains one of my most
favorite historical romances. Until recently, I’ve been hoping for a sequel not knowing that there is one. As with the first book, the characters are very likable and the supporting cast quite entertaining. Islaen, although started off a little timid, proved to be of strong character. She never gave up trying to get through the wall that Ian has built around him, and her determination is what makes her admirable. As for Ian, he does prove to be quite stubborn in his belief, but it is quite understandable for it is brought upon by his fear for Islaen’s life. And we do see him struggle with his emotions as we see him try to hold on to her with one hand, while pushing her away with the other. But we all know that sooner or later, the man will come to his senses. And who better to help him? None other than the charming Alexander MacDubh. If he was a charmer in AMBER FLAME, he is more so in this book. A real ladies man, I enjoyed how he made Ian so jealous.
An entertaining and easy read, I enjoyed this book though I must admit that I wasn’t as captivated as I was with the first book. You might also want to check out RECKLESS, which features Alexander MacDubh.

Reckless (comentario)

Alexander MacDubh was once one of the biggest charmers in all of Scotland. With his magnificent looks and sweet tongue, he had many women, single and married, swooning over him. But when he experienced one too many betrayals by his ex-wife and stepmother, the former resulting to the death of his beloved daughter, the other to his father’s death and loss of their land and wealth, he vows to never trust another woman for the rest of his life. For two years, he has succeeded in shielding his emotions and lives for the day when he could avenge his father’s death and reclaim Leargan, the land that Colin MacFarlane stole from the MacDubh’s. Then one day, he discovers that his brother Barra has sired three children with the late Mairi MacFarlane. Within hours, Alex and his men were riding towards Leargan intent on claiming back the children. And Fate seemed to be smiling at him for in one swoop, it wasn’t only his niece and nephews who land in his lap, but the sole MacFarlane heiress as well – the beautiful Ailis.
Strong-willed and spirited, Ailis passes herself off as the children’s nurse, knowing the price that the MacDubhs would demand as ransom for all of them. But her cover doesn’t last very long when Barra lays eyes on her and mistakes her for the woman he once loved. And when Alex learns about the value of his captive, he couldn’t believe his luck and decides to extract vengeance from Donald MacCordy by bedding his betrothed. But Alex never expected that Fate has actually given him the woman who will be his undoing.
RECKLESS is the third of Hannah Howell’s first earlier Highland series, the first one being AMBER FLAME followed by PROMISED PASSION. In those first two books, Alexander was always the charming courtier giving competition to his friends Tavis and Ian MacLagan. So I was quite surprised to see him in a serious role, that of a bitter man who has suffered the treachery of the opposite sex who he once adored. I was a little saddened to see him a mere shadow of his former self and couldn’t wait for Ailis to break the wall he has built around his heart and bring him down on his knees. And that’s what she does of course! It doesn’t take long for Ailis to figure out the man that Alex has become and she strives to prove to him that not all women are capable of treachery, that there are many trustworthy and loving women out there who will give their all to the man they love.

Foi assim que vi que era uma série..pelos comentarios das meninas americanas que leram..heheheh”


– O nome original da heroína de A Rebelde é Ailis, não Agata, como está na tradução.

– A série trata das histórias de 3 amigos: Tavis MacLagan de AMBER FLAME, Ian MacLagan de PROMISE PASSION e Alexander MacDubh de RECKLESS (A rebelde).

– Nem adianta perguntar QUANDO ou SE os outros livros vão ser publicados…



ps.: E a pergunta que não quer calar continua: Quando teremos Liam Cameron???????????

ps do ps.: Acabei de visitar o Adoro Romances e descobri que tem Hannah Howell novo vindo pela frente!!!

Recado da Daniella no Orkut:


Para quem gosta destas autoras, abaixo informo os novos lançamentos:
Quinn Taylor:
Cl. Hist. Especial ed. 248 – Filha do Fogo
Cl. Hist. Especial ed. 253 – Filha da Luz

Hannah Howell – Da série das Terras Altas
Cl. Históricos Especial ed. 245, ed. 251, ed. 255 e ed. 256

Ou seja, basta torcer pra que a gente goste do que vem pela frente!


8 Comentários

  1. Anônimo

    Beta, como sempre, a melhor indicação da semana, Hannah Howell e Janelle Denison, e vou te dizer, o segundo livro eu li, e tive que mergulhar na primeira fonte de praça que eu achei já que não havia uma piscina gelada disponível.

  2. Anônimo

    Beta pode ate ser legal mas nao curto nadinha historias de época , me canso no meio do livro , acho que nao tive boas experiencias com classicos historicos ( li 2 da Barbara Cartland e nao conseguigo sequer lembrar da historia ) sei que sao os mais , mais das meninas mas se der para comentar livros mais conteporaneos dfaras uma fã feliz
    te adoro beijos

  3. Anônimo

    aiaiai o tão falado Liam pelo jeito vai demorar então né?! Imagina se demora pra vcs ai imagina aqui nesse fim de mundo.. (gosto daqui, mas q é fim de mundo é!)
    Faz séculos q não leio Hanna Howell.. mas Beta, valeu a dica.. ultimamente só ando adquirindo livros q forem “aprovados” por alguem q entende…
    Enquanto isso.. continuo no meu caso extra conjugal, discretíssimo e nada comentado com o Roarke… mas sabe.. o problema de ler um livro q fala de um homem desses.. é que quando vc olha pro lado.. dá uma depressão (ai q pecado….rsrss mas vc me entende né?!)

  4. Anônimo

    Lindo! Li O Livro da Hanna Howell
    Ameei… O personagem ki mais adimiro é Agata Mcfalane e Jamie por estar com ela sempre.
    Tive raiva quando o Donald bateu no rosto dela no momento que Agata e Alexander ian se casar.

  5. Anônimo

    Olá Beta!
    Havia deixado de ler há um bom tempo e perdi o lançamento do Liam Cameron ( Hannah Howell) se é que foi publicado ! Vc sabe me dizer se foi lançado e se há como me enviar algum link do livro ?
    Meu email é [email protected]

    Agradeço a ajuda,

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